Six Ways the Software Development Platform can Reduce Developer Burnout

The frantic pace of digitization in the industrial internet of things (IoT) creates steep learning curves for embedded software engineers. Building, integrating and updating industrial software applications without compromising safety, security and performance can feel like working under pressure on constantly shifting sands. It can be demotivating and challenging for even the most experienced professional, impacting innovation and creativity; and burnout is a very present issue estimated to affect four in five software developers.

Reduce Barriers, Reduce Burnout

Reducing barriers without compromising on the quality and complexity of projects can be achieved by choosing a software development platform that supports even the most complex embedded applications’ performance, safety and security needs. Here are six ways that the right platform contributes to reducing developer friction.

1)Never Compromise on Throughput Performance
Throughput performance is the heartbeat of software applications, so don’t compromise on the capability criteria of a preferred software development platform.
Empowering mission-critical applications to thrive in any environment requires high overall OS throughput and near-linear scalability with increased cores. Compromise only kicks the can down the road, and settling for less will mean issues with system capability, speed, and reliability from this point on.

2)Plan to Go Big (Not Go Home)
The best practice software design should always be built for growth. However, scalability can easily be hindered by the limitations of the software development platform, be it curbing expansion or compromising safety and security for progress.
Better development starts with a platform that accommodates seamless scalability as a foundation for future innovations and opportunities. Your future self will thank you for it!

3)Know When Compromise is Not Okay
Time and precision-sensitive applications, where reliability is necessary, not optional — such as surgical and production robotics — add extra pressure for software designers. Hard real-time systems built on a microkernel platform that divides core functionality across separate spaces provide a more stable environment, with absolute reliability and no scope for latency or jitter. In contrast, if you build on a monolithic microkernel, however good the software may be, if the system goes down it all goes down.

4)State-Of-The-Art Tooling
Time pressure is a major contributor to stress and burnout for software developers and teams. Removing needles from the haystack is tiresome work, and dated toolkits can mean more rework and delays. Choosing the right developer tools can accelerate time to market, identify and resolve bugs, optimize development workflows and enhance the overall integrated development environment (IDE). Therefore, take time to investigate and find state-of-the-art tooling designed to help modern developers push the boundaries of innovation.

5)Design for the Future, Today
Feeling anxious about tomorrow’s challenges? Architecting a system with the future in mind means being confident that you have a solid foundation for safety and security now, and ensuring systems remain relevant and robust in the long term.
With today’s pace of change, if you plan to adapt your software for future needs, you will already be doing it tomorrow. And the next day.

6)Skills Development is an Industry Responsibility
The best platform technology is designed to evolve and educate, helping the software developer community to keep pace with the world around it, and offering seamless support regardless of complexity.
Explore the education and support provided by your choice of software development platform provider as a gauge of its commitment to the industry. And choose to work with those that invest in progressing industry talent, research and education, as well as minimizing integration hurdles and empowering innovation, every step of the way.

Choosing the right software development platform gives a firm foundation for getting it right the first time. That means developing with the future in mind and setting up for success, reducing stress and pressure of the work.

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How To Accelerate Software Development With Generative AI

In the span of just a few years, generative AI has transformed how organizations build products, create content and resolve problems. The majority of business and technology leaders using GenAI are focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness gains, according to a 2024 Deloitte survey, with 91% of respondents reporting that they “expect generative AI to improve their organization’s productivity.”

It’s no replacement for human expertise and execution, but it can take the lead on mundane, repetitive tasks, allowing teams to dedicate more time and energy toward critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration.

By using GenAI tools on my own development team, I’ve discovered that they are most valuable in two key applications.

-Code suggestion and autocompletion: AI can analyze developers' code as they work, automatically generating recommendations for code snippets or complete functions based on context and input.

-Code analysis and bug detection: Generative AI can quickly review code to detect errors or bugs early in the development process.

Strategies For Implementing AI In Software Development

To maximize the benefits of AI in software development, I recommend the following four strategies.

1-Test And Evaluate Different Tools

2-Create Better Prompts

3-Review Code Carefully

4-Protect Sensitive Data

Set realistic expectations, and use AI tools strategically and thoughtfully—in conjunction with human expertise and oversight—to deliver software solutions more efficiently than ever before.

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Why developers should exchange a roadmap for a mud map

If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it’s that businesses that can adapt quickly are in a better growth and sustainability position than those that struggle with change.


I would not characterize software development projects in the 1980s and 1990s as adaptable.

The long-form documentation that guided software development projects of the past were slow.

In the glacial pace of the ’80s and ’90s, this was just fine. Many misunderstandings and issues were resolved in the famous and shifty ‘warranty’ period and, at some point, the software was deemed good enough and accepted.

For nearly 20 years now, the software development industry has largely practiced Agile software development as a methodology that threw away slow, rigid models in exchange for iteration and adaptability. This method has evolved slightly over the years, but is largely unchanged because it works.

The iterative nature of Agile gave birth to the software road map, which is typically a rough plan for what features will be considered to enhance an application in the coming two to four quarters.


Unless we’ve met in person or you’ve heard me speak on a video or audio recording, you might not know that I am Australian.

According to Wikipedia, “mud map is an Australian term for an informal map, intended to assist, but with no pretensions to accuracy or completeness. The term originates in such a map drawn in mud or dust with a stick, perhaps in response to a query by a stranger.”

I started introducing the mud map concept to my team as a replacement for the road map, and I feel like it has tremendous applicability in today’s fast-paced software development environment.

When I think of a roadmap, I think of clean, crisp, and pristine lines. Routes on a roadmap are drawn with precision to exact specifications, and they take passengers on a journey with a fixed start and end point.

In fact, it inherently fluctuates.

Rather, they allow for the inherent fluctuations in our businesses, and in our world. They give our customers a glimpse of what’s to come, but let them know that we are willing to adapt and shift as needed to accommodate change.

I’ve always hesitated to share our roadmap with customers since it implies a contract and communicates expectations.

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Data Privacy and Security Essential Considerations for Startup Software Development

In an age where data breaches and privacy concerns dominate headlines, startups venturing into software development face significant challenges in ensuring the safety and security of their users’ data. While the allure of rapid growth and innovation drives these budding enterprises, neglecting data privacy and security can lead to devastating consequences, including loss of trust, legal repercussions, and financial ruin.

Understanding the Stakes
Startups often possess valuable data assets, ranging from user information to proprietary algorithms. According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average cost of a data breach in 2021 was a staggering $4.24 million globally, with costs varying by region and industry.

Moreover, in an era of increasing regulatory scrutiny, non-compliance with data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) can lead to hefty fines and reputational damage.

Building a Culture of Security
Data privacy and security should not be treated as an afterthought but rather as core principles ingrained in the startup’s culture and practices.
Furthermore, partnering with a trusted platform like can provide startups with access to skilled developers who are well-versed in implementing robust security measures, thereby bolstering their efforts to build a culture of security from the ground up.

Implementing Robust Measures
Startups must adopt a multi-layered approach to data privacy and security, incorporating both technical safeguards and procedural controls.

Furthermore, startups should adhere to industry standards and best practices when designing their software architecture. Additionally, leveraging secure development methodologies such as Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC) ensures that security considerations are integrated into every phase of the software development process.

Prioritizing Privacy by Design
Privacy by Design (PbD) is a concept that advocates for embedding privacy controls into the design and architecture of software systems from the outset. By defaulting to the highest level of privacy protection, startups can build trust and differentiate themselves in the market.

Navigating Regulatory Compliance
Given the evolving regulatory landscape, startups must stay abreast of relevant data protection laws and regulations applicable to their operations. Seeking legal counsel and engaging compliance experts can help startups navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance, ensuring that their software development practices align with legal requirements and industry standards.

Final Words
In the hyper-connected digital economy, data privacy and security are not optional features but fundamental imperatives for startup software development. As custodians of sensitive information, startups have a responsibility to uphold the highest standards of data privacy and security, safeguarding not only their own interests but also the trust and confidence of their stakeholders in an increasingly interconnected world.

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5 Risks of Outsourcing Software Development and How to Avoid Them

Outsourcing software development has witnessed a surge in popularity, offering organizations a strategic advantage by tapping into global talent pools. According to Precedence Research, the global IT outsourcing market is expected to grow to $1.149 billion by 2032. Outsourcing provides various benefits, including lower recruiting and onboarding costs, increased delivery speed, and filled talent gaps. It’s no wonder why the strategy is so popular.
However, navigating the outsourcing landscape isn’t always easy and requires a keen awareness of the potential risks. In this blog, we'll discuss five critical risks of this widely adopted strategy and provide tactics to reduce risk in delivered software.
Risk 1: Quality Assurance Concerns
Ensuring the quality of software is a constant concern, especially across different work environments, methodologies, and coding styles. Developers make mistakes, whether they’re in-house or externally sourced. It is estimated that software developers make 100 to 150 errors for every thousand lines of code. And when working with an outsourced team, controlling the quality of the code produced becomes even more difficult because they’re writing the code outside of the four theoretical walls of your organization. If the code is poor quality, it can lead to costly issues in production, increased technical debt, missed deadlines, and poorly performing software, among other impacts.
Risk 2: Data Security and Confidentiality
Data security and confidentiality are top priorities; if left unchecked, they can have costly consequences. In fact, a report by IBM states that the average cost of a data breach is estimated to be $4.24 million. So, entrusting an outsourced team with your code and sensitive information can be scary because it opens a door to potential vulnerabilities.
The nature of sharing proprietary code and confidential data with outsourced teams introduces challenges centered around protecting critical assets. Intellectual property, trade secrets, and any confidential practices that provide a competitive edge are at the forefront of these concerns. Additionally, mishandling or unauthorized access to user information can lead to legal ramifications and reputational damage. The potential vulnerabilities may arise from various sources, such as inadequate security protocols within the outsourced team, unintentional data leaks, or even malicious activities.
Risk 3: Communication Challenges
Clear communication is paramount in software development, and outsourcing introduces unique challenges. The geographical and cultural distance can lead to a lack of shared context and understanding. Differences in languages and work practices can cause misinterpretations of requirements, expectations, or even project milestones. Plus, teams located in varying time zones can amplify misunderstandings. This asynchronous nature of work makes real-time collaboration difficult and can slow down communication, hinder issue resolution, and impact overall project efficiency.
Risk 4: Lack of Control and Oversight
Managing a project without the day-to-day oversight inherent to in-house employees is a uniquely difficult challenge when using outsourced teams. The absence of immediate control introduces uncertainty, especially in critical areas such as meeting deadlines, ensuring quality, and adhering to project requirements. Without the ability to oversee every aspect in real time, there's a risk of misalignment between expectations and actual progress. Deadlines are missed, quality assurance feels distant, and there's always the concern of veering off the agreed-upon path.
Risk 5: Hidden Costs and Budget Overruns
Unexpected costs can jeopardize project budgets and timelines. According to a report by Deloitte, 57% of organizations have experienced cost overruns in their outsourcing projects. The challenge lies in the potential for unforeseen costs that can exceed the budget. These hidden costs can manifest in various forms – from unexpected software license fees to additional development hours required for unanticipated issues and complexities. The risk of budget overruns becomes an ever-present burden that can jeopardize the financial stability of your project.
Achieve success while avoiding the risks
Outsourcing software development offers unparalleled advantages, but success hinges on proactive risk management. By addressing communication challenges, ensuring quality assurance, prioritizing data security, maintaining control and oversight, and transparently managing budgets, organizations can forge successful and collaborative partnerships that help sustain the performance of their software.

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The Role of IDEs in Agile Software Development

The role of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) in Agile software development has become increasingly significant as organizations continue to adopt Agile methodologies to improve their software development processes. Agile development emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction, and IDEs play a crucial role in enhancing these aspects by providing developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features that streamline the development process. This article explores the impact of IDEs on Agile software development efficiency and highlights the ways in which these tools contribute to the success of Agile teams.
One of the primary benefits of using an IDE in Agile development is the improved collaboration it fosters among team members. IDEs offer a wide range of features that facilitate communication and collaboration, such as real-time code sharing, integrated version control systems, and built-in chat tools. These features enable developers to work together more effectively, share ideas, and quickly resolve issues, ultimately leading to increased productivity and better software quality.
Another advantage of using an IDE in Agile development is the increased efficiency it provides through automation and integration. IDEs come equipped with numerous tools and features that automate repetitive tasks, such as code generation, refactoring, and error checking. This automation not only saves developers time but also helps to reduce the likelihood of human error, leading to more reliable and maintainable code.
The flexibility offered by IDEs is another factor that contributes to their positive impact on Agile software development. Agile methodologies emphasize the importance of adapting to change and responding to evolving customer needs. IDEs support this flexibility by providing a customizable and extensible environment that can be tailored to the specific needs of a project or team. Developers can choose from a wide range of plugins and extensions that add functionality or improve existing features, allowing them to create a personalized development environment that aligns with their team’s unique requirements and preferences.
Furthermore, IDEs play a crucial role in enhancing the overall quality of software produced by Agile teams. By providing developers with powerful debugging and testing tools, IDEs enable them to identify and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently. These tools help to ensure that code is thoroughly tested and free of defects, resulting in more stable and reliable software.
In conclusion, the role of IDEs in Agile software development cannot be overstated. These powerful tools have a significant impact on the efficiency, collaboration, flexibility, and quality of software produced by Agile teams. By providing a comprehensive set of features and tools that streamline the development process, IDEs enable developers to work more effectively and deliver software that meets the needs of their customers. As Agile methodologies continue to gain traction in the software development industry, the importance of leveraging IDEs to support these practices will only continue to grow.

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Scrumban: A Hybrid Software Development Approach Redefining Agile Practices

Agile software development has recently evolved as a development paradigm to overcome the limitations of traditional software development models.
Limitations of Traditional Development Models
Traditional development approaches, such as waterfall, spiral, and others in the industry, have long development cycles. Therefore, these approaches are inflexible in accommodating changes.
Moreover, the lack of customer involvement in the development process and starting the testing activities sufficiently late in the development cycle often results in undesirable project outcomes for both the customers and the development teams.
Benefits of Agile Development
On the other hand, agile development emphasizes:
.Faster product delivery
.Continuous adaption
.Strong collaboration and communication
.Frequent and early testing
As a result, the developers of agile projects can deliver high-quality software systems flexibly and effectively, leading to increased customer satisfaction and faster market entry.
Among the many agile methods, Scrumban is gaining popularity as a hybrid approach combining Kanban and Scrum features.
Benefits of Agile Development
On the other hand, agile development emphasizes:
.Faster product delivery
.Continuous adaption
.Strong collaboration and communication
.Frequent and early testing
As a result, the developers of agile projects can deliver high-quality software systems flexibly and effectively, leading to increased customer satisfaction and faster market entry.
Among the many agile methods, Scrumban is gaining popularity as a hybrid approach combining Kanban and Scrum features.
Understanding Scrumban
Scrumban, a combination of Scrum and Kanban, has emerged as a powerful software development approach. The methodology is adaptable and can effectively handle new priorities and unanticipated challenges during project management tasks.
Key Scrumban principles include:
.Iterative and incremental development
.Promoting the continuous flow
.Emphasizing visual process management
.Defining work-in-progress bounds
.Encourage a culture of continuous improvement
With a balanced framework that considers the dynamic nature of software development projects, Scrumban enables teams to respond to changing requirements while ensuring consistent and efficient working practices.
How Scrumban Exploits the Best Practices of Scrum and Kanban for Success?
The iterative nature of Scrum is fundamental to successful software development project management, where typically, tasks are performed in sprints which are iterations that last two to four weeks. Development teams select user stories or backlog items according to priority for each sprint. Team members can receive feedback early and often with the iterative approach, allowing them to adjust and improve the product throughout development.
On the other hand, Kanban emphasizes visualization and optimization of the workflows in an organization. Projects are represented visually in Kanban through a series of cards on the Kanban board. Many Agile practitioners find this approach effective and easy to use.
By adopting some of the practices of each methodology, Scrumban brings together the strengths of Scrum and Kanban. Scrumban borrows key elements from Scrum, such as:
.Effective planning
.Regular reviews
.Retrospectives for continuous improvement
.Task prioritization
.Determining the appropriate amount of work for each sprint
The Bottom Line
Scrumban provides a strong and flexible approach that combines the best elements of both Kanban and Scrum. It redefines agile practices for success by emphasizing adaptability, continuous flow, waste reduction, and capacity planning.
Scrumban enables the teams to enhance their efficiency in responding to changing requirements, improving working practices, and delivering high-quality software.

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Top Healthcare App Development Trends That Will Dominate 2023

The world is going digital at a very fast speed. From retail shops to the cab industry to banking, all are changing and so is the healthcare industry. We can see a huge difference in the industry in terms of technology compared to ten years back. But there is a long way to go for the healthcare industry, especially after the pandemic, with the huge stress that came into the world economy. The shift from traditional to digitalization brought a massive need for the healthcare industry to adopt new technology.
Today, from practitioner to patient, all will be benefited from the upcoming healthcare app developments trends in 2023.
But, before moving further let us see why healthcare apps are crucial in this digital time.
With the use of mobile applications, healthcare app development is a rapidly growing trend. Mobile apps are quickly becoming an easy way for healthcare providers, patients, and other stakeholders. Mobile apps are time savers and provide ease, better communication, and more efficient care delivery for those in need.
Access to healthcare services has been revolutionized by the use of mobile apps. From scheduling appointments, contacting providers to look up health information, and even monitoring vital signs remotely, all can be done efficiently on mobile apps.
Healthcare app development appears to have a bright future. Mobile apps will become an even more important part of the healthcare industry as technology continues to advance.
Now, we will look at the top healthcare app development trends that will dominate the healthcare industry in 2023.
1.AI and ML
In the healthcare sector, AI and machine learning are becoming increasingly crucial technology for improving patient care and making the healthcare system more efficient.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being used to process large amounts of data of patients quickly and accurately, making it easier to make decisions based on authentic observations. AI and machine learning can also be used to help automate processes, reducing the amount of time and manual labor required for complex tasks.
Improved data accuracy and security are just two of the many benefits that blockchain technology can provide to the healthcare industry. It can also give patients more control over and privacy over their data, letting them own their medical records and making sure they are safe and easy to access. It could also be used to integrate administrative procedures like the processing of claims and the verification of medical records.
3.Internet of medical things(IoMT)
The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is a crucial part of the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. The IoMT is the network or web of medical equipment and other devices, connected to the internet, used for monitoring and diagnosis. Better patient care, increased efficiency, and improved communication between doctors, nurses, and patients are some of the benefits of using this technology.
Healthcare wearables are devices worn by the patient that monitor health data such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, and other metrics. This data can be used to analyze and make decisions about medication, diet, and lifestyle changes. Also, most of these wearables also have features such as reminders for medication or track of activity levels.
Wearables are becoming more and more popular in healthcare due to their ability to provide actionable data for both the patient and their physician.
5.Augmented reality/ Virtual reality
Augmented reality and virtual reality can be proven a benediction for the healthcare industry. This technology is already opted for by various reputed medical institutions. Many medical colleges are using AR/VR to train medical students and many doctors are using this technology for conducting various medical research.
Future technologies, such as wearables, blockchain, artificial intelligence, and AR/VR, provided by the healthcare app development company, will help shape the health industry. These healthcare industry trends in 2023 will prevail to boost the sector in the face of constantly evolving technologies. Overall, adopting the emerging trends in healthcare app development for 2023 will be an effective strategy for gaining a competitive advantage in the market.

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4 Reasons Low-Code Tools Will Never Replace Software Developers

Low-code tools are evolving as companies build applications to meet their needs. Its flexibility and scalability have become a go-to solution for companies and businesses. Companies can now create custom applications with ease and meet customers' demands. But it's logical to imagine that low-code tools will replace developers.
However, low-code tools will never replace developers, especially those working with C++, Python and Java languages. Though low-code tools could replace handwritten codes, companies and businesses need developers to optimize the software and its applications.
Even if low-code is for all developers, it's handy for high-code developers as it eases building applications faster. Ideally, low-code is a powerful software development tool designed to make a developer's life easier.
In this article, we'll discuss what exactly low-code tools are and why they'll likely never replace developers.
What are low-code tools?
Low-code tools are software applications assisting tech and businesses in elevating coding from textual to visual. It operates in a model-driven and drag-and-drop interface. Low-code tools build value-driven enterprise applications, making them suitable for all development skill levels.
Why low-code tools will never replace developers
1.High-level of flexibility:
With a team of developers, you can easily add in-depth functionality to a solution and maintain it without worrying about outages. Sharing responsibilities and allowing professionals to connect and share their ideas is the best way for a business to grow.
The emergence of low-code tools doesn't mean everything built by then will get destroyed; its emergence is due to increased demand on the market. Generally, low-code tools came to make old coding methods fast, efficient and exciting to both developers and businesses.
These tools push developers towards collaboration. They are forced to improve their communication skills, interact directly with clients, sharpen their skills and channel their skills to meet business needs.
3.In-demand low-code skills:
Businesses always have issues to solve. This means that developers with low-code skills will remain in demand. Companies always have improvements they can make. Companies will not only need developers who can use low-code tools, but they may also need written code in areas where low-code does not solve complex issues.
4.Avoid repetitive tasks:
On average, developers spend lots of time dealing with technical debt. But the low-code platform handles loads of work, making it easy to introduce the debt. For instance, developers must refactor the code every time an operating system update is needed. Low-code platforms can handle such types of tasks.
The odds favor the developers because they did not come to the industry to fix and maintain the old but to build new things. They will have enough time to focus on more complex software solutions and applications, eventually improving companies.
Developers will now spend less time creating new codes and focus on developing responsive software that meets customer needs. This means businesses will now have sufficient time to predict customers' needs and develop new software based on that data.
With the ongoing advancement in the tech sector, there is still a software developer shortage. Low-code software and applications can support developers by helping them create applications and features fast. So, low-code tools will never replace developers. Developers must embrace low-code tools and see their career prospects thrive. They should explore low-code tools, build apps, learn how to use the tools and become more productive.

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ChatGPT and software development

I tried using ChatGPT to help with a common coding issue when working on CRM applications and merging customer data sources. I asked ChatGPT, “Given two lists of names, write Python code to find near matches of the names and compute a similarity ranking.” ChatGPT replied, “You can use the FuzzyWuzzy library in Python to find near matches and compute similarity rankings between names.” ChatGPT then displayed code to interface with FuzzyWuzzy and included examples to help demonstrate results.
Now, there are debates about how smart ChatGPT is, whether it can write secure code, and why it should attribute its sources. But ChatGPT’s effectiveness is causing many people to consider how generative AI will change people’s creative work in marketing, journalism, the arts, and, yes, software development.
ChatGPT already reached more than 100 million users, and Microsoft is embedding it in Bing and other Office applications. Other generative AI competitors in search platforms include Google’s Bard, and developers can test code-generating AIs such as AlphaCode and GitHub Copilot. A wave of SaaS products, tech platforms, and service providers are integrating ChatGPT capabilities.
If you’re a software developer or a devops engineer, you might experiment with generative AI tools and wonder what it will mean for your profession and how it will change your work.
Remember when you installed your first Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant in your home, expecting it to be as smart and responsive as Star Trek’s computer? It helps you do simple tasks such as set alarms, add items to shopping lists, share the weather forecast, or update you on today’s news, but it’s unlikely to answer more complex questions accurately.
For now, generative AI can help fill gaps and accelerate implementing solutions within the software development life cycle, but we will still need developers to drive appropriate experiences.
Software development has many generational improvements in languages and platforms. Many tools increase a developer’s productivity, improve code quality, or automate aspects of the delivery pipeline. For example, low-code and no-code platforms can help organizations build and modernize more applications, but we’re still coding microservices, developing customer-facing applications, and building machine learning capabilities.
Developers must also consider how ChatGPT raises the bar on user expectations. The keyword search box in your app that isn’t personalized and responds with disappointing results will need an upgrade. As more people are amazed by ChatGPT’s capabilities, employees and customers will expect AI search experiences with natural language queries and apps that answer questions.
Generative AI can also improve workflow and support hyperautomation, connecting people, automation, and AI capabilities. I think about smart health applications, where doctors can ask AI questions about a patient’s condition, the AI responds with similar patients, and the app provides options for doctors that automate ordering procedures or prescriptions.
So, where can software developers leverage generative AI today? It’s easy to see its usefulness in finding coding examples or improving code quality. But product managers and their agile development teams should validate and test their use cases before plugging a generative AI into their application.
ChatGPT is more than a shiny object, but like any new technology, software developers and architects will need to validate where, when, and how to use generative AI capabilities.

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